Manufacturing Process Design is the most critical aspect towards ensuring consistency and repeatability in the parts manufactured. Ideally Product Design must consider Manufacturability aspects. We develop, optimize and transfer Composite Manufacturing Processes for our clients who, themselves, are leaders in the Advanced Composites sector.
Process development and optimization can either be initiated for a brand new project or for an established product (especially when the existing process is yielding unpredictable results).
Eternus takes up Manufacturing Process Development right from the Mold Strategy onwards upto Final Quality Assurance Plans – integrating everything under its Process Framework.
Typically we end up with providing clients with specific measurable results like,
a. Reduction in Rejection
b. Improve Consistency & Repeatability
c. Assure Interchangeability
d. Improve tolerances & meet stringent specifications
e. Improve specifications of product (like void content, fiber volume etc.)
f. Any other specific outcome desired by the client
Many times our final client for Process Development & Optimization are existing Composite Manufacturers themselves. We respect Customer Privacy & honor the Non-Disclosure Agreements with all our clients – ultimately, the relationships we have built are based on Trust.